Year 2013 is remarkable for QAMonitor as we now have a very good set of happy customers. Some of the features that are available in our latest cloud/enterprise versions are given below.
- In Setting, Baseline / Current Draft version in Requirement & TestCase modules.
> A version can be marked as Current Draft version. Later it can be marked as Base-lined version.> While editing requirement/testcase, Update the version to current Draft.
- In Requirement, order/Move the Requirement and Folder. This will help to arrange the same in the way you want
- In TestPlan, TestCase Copy-Paste into other module/scenario with-in project.
- In TestPlan, order/Move the TestCase & Scenario. This will help to arrange the same in the way you want
- In TestPlan, "Root" was added in Scenario tree. This avoids confusion on ambiguous parents.
- In TestPlan, copy Requirement Folder structure to TestPlan Scenario. When a parent folder is selected, the entire sub-tree will be copied as such into Scenario.
- In TestRun, Copy TestCase from one Round To another. This saves time for test leads
- In TestRun, Attachment option is included for each step, while logging Manual Execution, in Test Run. And shown in History & LastRun windows.
- In TestRun, Manual TestRun step's status, actual result and attachments are saved as draft, for respective logged-in user. At a later time you can come and save the results and finish the run.
- In Issues, UDF (User Defined Fields) columns are editable in Issues Quick add/edit.
- In Issues, Copy/Paste in defects added UDF also.
- In Issues, Mutli-Select combo added in Issues inline add/edit.
- In Issues, Mandatory columns checked in Inline add/edit.
- In Issues, Copy/paste a single Issue in same project.
- In Reports, you can Send Reports as mail to selected users.
- In Charts, send Standard Charts & Custom Charts as mail to selected users.
- In Settings, Project deactivation. Projects will not be listed in any combo-boxes.
- In Settings, Page titles taken from SDF page. Select "Configuration" in group's dropdown to change page title.
- In Settings, Multi-selection combobox option added in UDF.
- In Settings, added the UDF fields in the Test case grid
- In Settings, IssueCycle's cycle-start & cycle-end status are changed to update-able.
- In Settings, Copy UDFs to another project feature is added..
- Kanban cards module introduced in QAMonitor. This is excellent way to track simple tasks
- All pages, Word wrap for all the grid cells. This provide better readability for long texts
- All pages, Quick search on Id, Name or Description in Tasks, Issues, Requirements and Test Plan.
- Dynamic reports are added. You can make your own reports based on SQL queries.
- Project admin can now modify all project settings. This eases out the load on eadmin.
For more details, please visit